Thursday, July 26, 2012

Study Finds Your Confidential Documents Aren't

Being a business practitioner isn't an easy job. It requires may commitments including time, knowledge, formulating competitive strategies, managing employees and at the end of the day, making sure every beneficial effort has been completed to the best possible satisfaction. Its enough to keep you up at night. Unfortunately, these responsibilities don't include what can easily be called the Most Important Component of a Successful Business. It has ruined numerous businesses and you could be next.

What is possibly the most overlooked and most important component of a successful business? Security. More accurately stated as Document Security.

Every business today has confidential information. Most business owners, if they think about it long enough, will agree. If for some reason you don't agree then practice this mental exercise. Imagine yourself sending an email to every employee listing each of their salaries, send an email to your competition with your customer lists and finally send an email to the IRS with your earnings statement. Your employees will quit, your competition will attack your client base and the IRS will audit your employee-less, customer-less and profit-less business.

This may sound like a "worst case scenario" and it is but the truth isn't that far off.

A recent study from the Ponemon Institute recently released a study stated that:
  • 90% of businesses surveyed have experience confidential data loss in the last 12 months.
  • 70% of businesses surveyed stated that employees, contractor or business partners had frequent access to sensitive documents they did not require access to.
These two statements are quite startling.  Are businesses not aware of the importance of document security? Do most businesses not know how to secure their documents?  What reason makes most businesses appear to be incapable of securing their sensitive corporate documents?  For whatever reason it is, this trend has to change or successful businesses will continue to suffer.

Fortunately, Clerk 123 considers security a top priority.  There are numerous built in security features that rival banking and government protection mechanisms.  These security features are seamless and don't interfere with the productivity benefits of The Clerk.

Don't be a statistic, get The Clerk.

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